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Note from artist: Sorry to everyone who emailed me about a request and I didn't answer on it - I'm often kinda busy and don't get around to do my mails and even less to do request pics. When I DO have some time I try to do request-pics, tho (when I already have the description of a char lying around in my mailbox). Thanks for all the nice comments I got on my pics!! o8-)

File Name Description
ESPIO.GIF This is an old pic.. someone asked me to draw Espio, which wasn't too easy, since I never saw him! o8-}
MISTYDNC.JPG Misty and Sally dancing happily into the night. Misty is (c) Scott Alston, pic requested by him, too.
MISTYSAL.JPG I messed up on poor Sally (hadn't seen her for years when I draw that), but Misty came out kinda nice..! Misty (c) Scott Alston, pic requested by him.
MISTYSH.JPG Misty, Sally and Hershey checking out the guards of a castle. Hey, that robot looks unnice..! Misty (c) Scott Alston, and he requested da piccie.
SNCTAILS.JPG Sonic and Tails, pondering about.. um.. something. Mebbe about what to do to free their captured friends from the claws of evil.. mebbe about what to eat for next lunch.
SALTAILS.JPG Isn't that cute? (I just can't help to see Tails as a nice small kid-fox) o8-)
SCHPYEND.JPG Sonic and Sally, finally celebrating a happy end. Hoorray!
D-TAILBB.JPG A grown-up Tails and Barby Koala dancing in luuuuuv. o8-} This issa pic for Rick Causey!
DTLSBRB2.JPG Tails is taking Barby for a flight! Looks fun! o8-)
TAILSC~1.JPG Tails has grown up and goes to college now. And seems like he also found a new friend..! 'Tis pic was requested by Rick Causey, peops!
BeachPic.jpg Tails and Hershey, Julie-Su and Knuckles, double-dating at the beach. A commissioned pic by Rick Causey, and yes, I'm bad at doing backgrounds.
MrkJulSu.jpg My first marker-pic! AND my first pic of Julie-Su! o8-)
D-Neszie.jpg Neszie is just some cute little Hedgehog-gal I came up with.
ZeroSonc.jpg Zero Sonic wanted me to draw him, and this was the first try. It was just copied from some other pic, and not very good, I'm afraid. But it helped me to get the character to know.
D-ZroSnc.jpg A MUCH better pic of Zero Sonic. o8-) I scribbled the pic, then drew the lines with Adobe Illustrator, then printed it out and colored by hand.
Julie-Su.jpg For some reason, I like to draw the female chars in a more "humanoid" way, and the male chars like they are in the game/comic. That is, for some reason, I can't get the female chars right like in the comic. Believe me, it's HARD to draw a female and male char on one pic that way! o8-} Anywhoo, here's a cool Julie-Su! I like her!
Mighty1.jpg I FINALLY actually got my hands on some of the comics (Thanks, Rick! o8-)) and decided to try some of the chars. Here's Mighty! Er, his name IS Mighty, right?
Mighty2.jpg Another Mighty, in the more humanoid drawn way. I really like them chars better in their original style, tho.
SncGreen.jpg Sonic and some green hedgehog gal. Cheaply colored only, but I still like the pic. o8-)
CRCOYOTE.JPG Curran Rice's Coyote-char Victor Alexer. Requested by himself, done with pencils, mainly.
D-CRYSTL.JPG Crystal, requested by himself. Computercolored. I have no idea if I drew him right. o{8-}
D-JAMES.JPG Another requested piccie: James Pow, the Echidna.
DOOK8BUN.JPG This was actually a pic for Matt Burt's Food Chain (pics and comics where one character senselessly eats another char). It's my char Dooky (she's not from the Sonic Universe) TRYING to eat Bunny!
D-SHADES.JPG Many people drew a b-day pic for Shades the Echidna, I was onna them. o8-)
D-ZEROS3.JPG ZeroSonic and Star, a pic requested by ZeroSonic.
